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How to Make Affiliate Money from Mavely A Comprehensive Guide

Make Affiliate Money from Mavely. Are you an influencer looking to monetize your social media presence? Or perhaps you’re a brand looking to tap into the power of influencer marketing? Look no further than Mavely. A leading platform that connects everyday influencers with top brands for lucrative partnerships. With over 25,000 influencers and 500 brands on board, Mavely offers a seamless and efficient way to earn affiliate money through curated partnerships. In this article, we’ll delve into the various ways you can make affiliate money from Mavely. Whether it’s online, through Binance, or even TikTok.

How to Make Affiliate Money from Mavely Online

Make Affiliate Money from Mavely

With the rise of social media and e-commerce. Making money online has become more accessible than ever. And Mavely is at the forefront of this trend, offering a user-friendly platform for influencers to earn commission through their online presence. Here’s how you can get started.

Creating an Account on Mavely

The first step to making affiliate money from Mavely is to create an account on their platform. Simply visit their website and click on the “Join Now” button on the top right corner. You’ll be prompted to enter your email address and create a password. Once you’ve completed the registration process. You’ll have access to your own dashboard where you can track your earnings, view available campaigns, and more.

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Joining Campaigns and Promoting Products

Mavely works with a wide range of brands, from fashion and beauty to health and wellness. As an influencer, you can browse through the available campaigns and choose the ones that align with your niche and audience. Once you’ve joined a campaign. You’ll receive a unique link or code that you can share with your followers. Every time someone makes a purchase using your link or code, you’ll earn a commission.

Tracking Your Earnings and Getting Paid

One of the biggest advantages of using Mavely is their fast commission reporting and frequent payout structure. Unlike other affiliate programs that may take weeks or even months to report. And pay out commissions, Mavely does it in real-time. You can track your earnings on your dashboard and request a payout once . You’ve reached the minimum threshold. Mavely offers various payment options, including direct deposit, PayPal, and Venmo.

How to Make Affiliate Money from Mavely to Binance

Make Affiliate Money from Mavely

If you’re familiar with cryptocurrency, you’ve probably heard of Binance, one of the largest and most popular cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. Mavely has recently partnered with Binance to offer influencers an additional way to earn affiliate money. Here’s how you can do it:

Joining the Binance Affiliate Program on Mavely

To start earning affiliate money from Mavely to Binance, you first need to join the Binance Affiliate Program on Mavely. This program is available to all Mavely influencers and offers a 20% commission on every trade made by someone who signs up through your unique link. To join the program, simply click on the “Join Now” button on the Binance campaign page on Mavely.

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Promoting Binance on Your Social Media Platforms

Once you’ve joined the Binance Affiliate Program. Your can start promoting it on your social media platforms. You can create engaging posts, stories, or videos about Binance and include your unique link for people to sign up. You can also share your personal experience with Binance. And why you recommend it to your followers. The more engaging and authentic your content is, the higher the chances of people signing up through your link.

Tracking Your Earnings and Getting Paid

Similar to promoting products on Mavely, you can track your earnings from the Binance Affiliate Program on your dashboard. The commission is paid out in real-time, and you can choose from various payment options, including direct deposit, PayPal, and Venmo.

How to Make Affiliate Money from Mavely to TikTok

Make Affiliate Money from Mavely

TikTok has taken the world by storm, with over 1 billion active users worldwide. And with the rise of influencer marketing, many brands are now turning to TikTok to reach a younger audience. Mavely has recognized this trend. And has partnered with TikTok to offer influencers yet another way to earn affiliate money. Here’s how you can do it:

Joining the TikTok Affiliate Program on Mavely

To start earning affiliate money from Mavely to TikTok, you first need to join the TikTok Affiliate Program on Mavely. This program is available to all Mavely influencers and offers a commission for every new follower you bring to a brand’s TikTok account. To join the program, simply click on the “Join Now” button on the TikTok campaign page on Mavely.

Promoting Brands’ TikTok Accounts on Your Profile

Once you’ve joined the TikTok Affiliate Program. Your can start promoting brands’ TikTok accounts on your profile. You can create engaging posts or videos about the brand and include their TikTok handle for people to follow. You can also collaborate with the brand to create sponsored content for their TikTok account. The more followers you bring to the brand’s TikTok account, the higher your commission will be.

Tracking Your Earnings and Getting Paid

As with the other affiliate programs on Mavely, you can track your earnings from the TikTok Affiliate Program on your dashboard. The commission’s paid out in real-time. And you can choose from various payment options, including direct deposit, PayPal, and Venmo.

Make Affiliate Money from Mavely


In conclusion, Mavely offers a comprehensive platform for influencers to make affiliate money through curated partnerships with top brands. Whether it’s promoting products online, through Binance. Or on TikTok, Mavely provides a seamless and efficient way to monetize your social media presence. So why wait?. Sign up for Mavely today and start earning affiliate money from the comfort of your own home.

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