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7 ways to make money with your GetRespones email marketing list in 2023

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression – “money is in the list.”

And it’s true. Email marketing GetRespones has a tremendous ROI, and we’ve got multiple case studies that prove it.

What’s also true is that there isn’t just one way to make money with email marketing. There are many. And I’m about to share them with you.

Whether you’re an affiliate marketer, coach, or all-around marketer, you’ll want to stick around. As these seven tactics are about to turn your email marketing program GetRespone into a growing revenue source.

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How to make money with email list: 7 actionable ways

Before going over the ways you can make money with email GetRespone, I want to make a disclaimer.

Even though email marketing GetRespone boasts an impressive ROI of 3,800%, it is a long-term game. Building an engaged email audience takes time and effort, and that’s only a part of the equation.

So if you ever hear someone making promises that you’ll generate an extra $5k in income from email just after 30 days of work, simply ignore them.

With that out of the way, let me take you through the key ways of making money with email marketing.

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1. Use affiliate marketing and promote other people’s products or services

One of the first associations people make about making money online comes down to joining a lucrative affiliate program GetRespone. 

The dynamics are pretty straightforward — you select a brand that has a program for affiliates, sign up for it, and start promoting its product or services to your email subscribers. For every purchase that comes from your affiliate GetRespone link, you receive a commission.

How affiliate marketing works

Let’s say you’re a personal finance blogger and online coach. The most fundamental way for you to capitalize on your position as a financial expert is to tap into the affiliate products offered by FinTech software such as eToro, Binance, or Robinhood:

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How a Fintech affiliate marketing program email GetRespone works

Another option in this niche is to partner with banks offering an enticing commission for offering their products. There are plenty of them out there — for example, American Express pays up to $200 per sale.

How does affiliate marketing work?

Before we get into the technical side of this marketing channel, let’s say it out loud — the key to success is to promote products or services that meet both fundamental requirements:

  • They are trustworthy enough that you can sign your own name to them — don’t get tempted by a high commission and spreading the word about a scammy product. If you lose your credibility as a solopreneur, you lose your business.
  • You have knowledge and experience about a specific niche, so you can leverage your street credit to promote products connected to your expertise.

Speaking of the second aspect — Michał Szafrański, one of the most famous Polish financial bloggers, got on the media’s front pages when he earned 70,000 PLN (currently over $16K) on one blog article which was connected to one bank’s affiliate program! Super crazy! And it wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for his personal brand and huge credibility.

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That said, let’s look at the technical part:

  1. You select your merchants that offer enticing affiliate products GetRespone that match your business scope. (If you’re still looking, check out our curated lists of best email marketing affiliate programs, best affiliate marketing programs, and best recurring affiliate programs)
  2. Sign in to the merchant’s program and get a unique affiliate link.
  3. You start to promote the product among your audience. As this article is solely about email marketing, you’re leveraging email subscribers.
  4. Both merchants and affiliates can monitor the performance of those email campaigns by tracking impressions, clicks, and sales.
  5. You get paid for every objective based on the commission — a conversion, a lead, a sale, and an app install.

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Affiliate products GetRespone are a proven way to generate income, and if you handle it well, it can be super easy (injecting an affiliate link in your email content) and profitable.

For instance, GetResponse’s affiliate program offers 33 percent recurring commission — what a great way to secure a passive income!

👉 Learn more with our Email marketing and beyond and how to build an email list for affiliate marketing.GetRespone

GetRespone Affiliate Onboarding Guide

2. Include sponsored content or advertising in your emails GetRespone

Another way to make money with GetRespone email marketing is to introduce sponsored content and advertising into your email campaigns.

Those commercial tactics are an excellent fit for email marketers that have been on the scene for a while and managed to grow their mailing lists to a number of at least 2,500 subscribers.

Naturally, the bigger and more engaged your email list is, the better. Only this way you will become an attractive asset for potential advertisers.

There’s another reason why hundreds of folks on your email list won’t be enough, but thousands will make a difference. And it’s called CPM (Cost per thousand impressions) — a unit that will help you and your advertiser to set the prices for a banner displayed in your newsletters.

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How about solo ads?

A solo ad works like this — advertisers go to email GetRespone list owners and purchase a placement in their email. Simply put, a brand buys a dedicated email and taps into the existing email audience of that owner.

Even though solo ads don’t have the best reputation from the advertiser’s point of view, it can be a different story when you run a thriving online business and have the capability of providing solo ads service to advertisers.

To make it work, make sure that:

  • sponsored emails you send to your subscribers align with your audience’s interests
  • you don’t follow spammy practices, and your email list is 100% legit
  • you don’t overuse solo ads and trigger your email subscribers to opt out of your mailing list.

Check out this detailed guide about solo ads and think if that’s a good idea for your online business.

Monetize your newsletter with sponsored content GetRespone

Brands are on the lookout for getting the word out about their products through channels other than paid social media ads and Google Display Network.

That’s why, once your newsletters become a powerful medium, several brands that will find your audience has an overlap with their buyer persona will be open for a partnership with you.

There are three main ways of sponsoring your newsletter:

  • Selling classified ads — smaller ads sprinkled all over your newsletter.
  • Dedicated emails — one email = one sponsored content
  • Sponsored emails — which means a more prominent ad placement in your newsletter

Once you decide which format you will implement, it’s time to think about your pricing. You can set up a flat fee, like $500, for an ad placement. Or, you can opt for a CPM (CPM = Cost of an ad in email send / Number of email subscribers) x 1,000) model.

From there, it’s time to reach out to potential buyers with your sponsored weekly newsletter offer or sign up for marketplaces like Paved, Swapstack, Whosponsorsstuff, or Sponsorgap. 

The other option is to pitch your email recipients with your sponsored offer if you know that decision-makers already subscribe to you (which you can check in an email marketing platform like GetResponse). Here’s how Erin Balsa from Haus of Bold does it:

Pro tip: If you don’t have one yet, this guide will guide you on how to create an email newsletter that people will fall in love with.

Affiliate Freemium Brief

3. Create a tripwire offer

OK, another method to generate more money through email marketing is tripwire offers. And while the name of that technique is not the most fortunate in the world, it’s pretty standard among email marketers out there.

Implementing a tripwire means offering your new subscribers a low-priced product or service. The entry threshold is set low (as the tripwire), increasing the chances of getting more people to purchase.

“OK, it costs only $5, no biggie” — and they’re in! OK, it doesn’t have to be that cheap. Let’s say you’re an online life coach, and you’re offering a bargain deal of $30 for the first online strategy session. As long as you deliver quality after closing that sale, you open an avenue to pitch your more expensive services.

In practice, it can mean creating a landing page with a curated offer and sending an upsell email after finalizing the first deal.

4. Sell your own product or service

OK, affiliate marketing and advertising can help you earn money. In some cases, those results can be impressive.

But, regardless of how high the affiliate commission is, it’s still a percentage. If you’re lucky, you get 20, 30, or 40% of conversions or sales.

By selling your own products or services, you can make money on a scale that will drive your online business forward substantially.

You own it — the 100% goes into your pocket without sharing that with a sponsorship marketplace or a merchant.

How can you pull this off?

At your service

Let’s start with offering a service. If you’re a consultant, an online coach, or a freelance marketer, you can market your services to your email subscribers. Your email list is your potential customers. 

As long as you provide them value for free through your email marketing program, at some stage, they will naturally go down the sales funnel and be more prone to try your offer.

Create your own product

Another one is a digital product. It can be a paid ebook or a package of coaching sessions. The rule of thumb would be the same as with your services.

Your product needs to solve pains and generate gains for your target audience. It has to be relevant to them!

We’re in the middle of an AI revolution. And for you, as a content creator, it’s a massive opportunity because, with ChatGPT4, you can now develop applications, Chrome extensions, mobile games, and other digital products without an army of software developers and designers!

And how to know if your audience will be ready to purchase your product? 

Use newsletters and autoresponders to survey your subscribers and get their opinion first. The best way to market any product is to learn what your buyers need.

5. Create a paid newsletter

This part might be tricky. Especially if you have just started growing your email list. You can say: “I’m struggling to have people opt into my email list for free, so how am I supposed to get them to pay me for it?”

And you’re absolutely right. It’s a real challenge at the early growth stage. It will take some time, but by providing high-end value to your readers, you will reach the moment to:

  • Transform your free email sequence into a paid newsletter
  • Create a premium version of your regular newsletter with exclusive content you won’t share anywhere else. 

Before you go full-scale, try to test the waters first. Voice of customer data is essential here. Email marketing gives you a natural opportunity to gather feedback from your email subscribers. Ask them:

  • Would they pay you if you introduced a paid newsletter
  • What type of content would be worth paying for (in their opinion)
  • How much would they pay you

Start making money with email marketing!

Even without a big marketing team or a dedicated email specialist, email marketing has a wide array of options to make money — from promoting affiliate products, through running a paid newsletter, to implementing advertising in your emails.

Another strategy is to pitch your services to your subscribers and sell products, such as ebooks, templates, workflows, training sessions, online courses, and paid webinars. 

The critical point is consistently delivering high-quality and value for your target audience. Once you look after this part, you can experiment with different ways to make money.

And finally, to start implementing your revenue-generating program, you need a solid email service provider!

And GetResponse is the one that will help you keep everything under one roof! Try all the features for free for the next 30 days.

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Photo by <a href="" rel="nofollow">Declan Cronin</a> on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Unsplash</a>


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